Target Career – 16-18 years old

Play your game well.

Age 16-18 years

GenZ is urged to decide on a professional orientation in this age group, where time losses and repeated choices must be avoided.

Not everyone is ready to look to the future: GenZ children must, however, be aware that they are called to make choices about their direction and that they can change more easily in their professional future. New situations in the labor market, which cannot be envisaged today, will require this generation to adapt with agility.

Aiming to graduate with good grades is very important. Doing it with ideas about the professional future is even more stimulating. Running adjustments will be possible.

If you have previously set your own strategy, you need to be focused on the results and step by step make them happen. In this case, you can need help keeping up with the many commitments you have.

If you’re still uncertain, maybe the time has come to seek help.

Preapare Diploma and Admissions

What contribution does the counselor make in this age group?

Career Architect & Program Manager

Check deadlines, check content, offer content to improve

Family + Counselor

Provide periodic feedback on compliance with the strategy, propose adaptations, measures, moments of support and recovery.

To give parents greater possibilities to remain involved and continue to stimulate, support and manage moments of stress, satisfaction and difficulty.

Student + Counselor

Check the timing and compliance with the personal roadmap.

Choose the University path, location, courses.

Develop a personalized program to prepare for the IB / APs Diploma exam on the one hand and for admissions to Colleges and Universities on the other,

Planning the basis for a professional career is possible.
Some events will be unpredictable. It is possible to have a set of skills and approaches to adapt and manage them

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