Goal Diploma – 14-16 years old

International diploma?

14-16 years old

It is time to make choices.

Change educational path? Is that possible ?

Which diploma to choose? IB-AP-A-Level-Matura

Which school to choose? International High School?

Where to study? EU, CH, UK, U.S.A, Canada…

What to do after graduation? College or University?

Diploma internazionale

Time, in this age group, becomes a critical resource: it is necessary to avoid wasting time and money or repeating choices. With your own strategy, you build your curriculum, experience after experience.

Parents must be able to participate in the decision-making process and be able to stimulate and verify the choices. For this reason, they must be informed: they must have elements of comparison to understand the differences in the educational systems, to understand the importance of planning and an educational strategy designed for the individual child, to be able to invest in education in a conscious way.

What value does the counselor bring in this age group?

Career Archiect

Investment in education must be conscious and targeted.

The commitment and effort must be balanced with the time available.

Family + Counselor

Personalized Education Strategy.

Periodic feedback on compliance with the strategy, proposals or support actions.

Facilitate choices of educational structures, courses, targeted and strategy-consistent experiences.

Student + Counselor

Avoid excessive stress, measuring commitments with the time available.

Definition of a personalized Roadmap: facilitating the Diploma objective (IB-AP-Matura) through choices of subjects, study locations, educational structures, intership experiences, volunteering, academic courses, tutorship.

Languages: certificates – actions to improve writing skills.

Support and verify the Admission process – obligations, times and contents –

Set up and review Essay, Personal Statement, motivation Letters.

Check the times and compliance with the Roadmap.